Great Lakes Lake Sturgeon Tag Identification Database


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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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updated: 5/10/2024


The Great Lakes Lake Sturgeon Tag Identification Database (TID) is intended to facilitate communication between people who tag and those who recapture lake sturgeon across the Great Lakes. The database provides managers, researchers, and other interested parties the ability to determine who should be contacted when they encounter a tagged lake sturgeon. Development of the TID was initiated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) Great Lakes Lake Sturgeon Committee in 2001. The structure of the database was developed through a peer review process that involved fishery professionals from several agencies that tag lake sturgeon in the Great Lakes. Completion of the database and development of this web accessible version was made possible through funding provided by the Great Lakes Fishery Trust in 2005. The database is managed by the Alpena Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (Alpena FWCO). The USFWS Lake Sturgeon Committee provides oversight of the project.

Data contained in the database are limited to contact information for those who tag and recapture lake sturgeon with specified tag number (PIT tags) or other identifying marks or tags. Data are submitted electronically to the Alpena FWCO where they are formatted and added to the database. Annual updates will be completed to include new tags and recaptures. The Alpena FWCO will make every attempt to keep the database as current as possible and will rely on the efforts of all agencies and institutions involved to provide data in a timely manner.

Like all databases, errors or omissions will occur. It is the responsibility of each individual or agency providing data to transfer complete and accurate records. Any errors found by users should be referred to the Alpena FWCO which will consult with the appropriate agency to rectify the error.